She sends troops to investigate the ruins and gives you a reward for your work in learning the cultists' plot. Report to Dajaheel with this information. Stral himself is undergoing this ritual right now in the central ruin. In exchange, the Worm Cultists are anointing the Reachmen with a blessing from the Lord of Brutality.

The Reachmen brought Sinmur back from the dead. You will learn that the Reachmen made a deal with the Worm Cult. Going with the pale dagger option has you reanimate the aforementioned Worm Cultist. With the ornate globe, a memory of Stral Blackthroat appears. He'll help you see the memory trapped in the ornate globe or reanimate the nearby Worm Nightfrenzy using the heart you took from one of the other cultists. After you collect a Beating Heart or have filled the Ornate Globe, talk to Lieutenant Belron who is south of Dajaheel's tent. Kill one of the Worm Cultists out in the woods. You will need to kill a cultist either way. You can choose which option you'd like to go with. An undercover agent, Lieutenant Belron, has proposed two options: cut out a cultist's heart with a Pale Dagger then reanimate them, or use a globe to collect a cultists' memories. She and her men have tried everything to figure out why the Reachmen and the Worm Cultists are here together. You should talk to Dajaheel at the Pact's forward camp in the woods if you want to help.ĭajaheel is beneath the large red tent.

Interrogate the Worm Nightfrenzy or the memory of Stral Blackthroat.Give Lieutenant Belron whichever item you decided to use to get the cultists to talk.Use the Ornate Globe or the Pale Dagger to collect a Worm Cultist's soul or heart.Talk to Dajaheel at the Pact's forward camp in Vernim Woods.When they arrived, they found Worm Cultists performing dark rituals with his warriors. The military has tracked Stral Blackthroat, the leader of the Reachmen, to Vernim Wood.