Clique support (plugin is provided in the download) An internal clickcasting system that allows to bind spells & lua code snippets to be execute when you click on a frame. You can enter a config mode to see and move all frames to your liking

I was doing x and i expected y but instead z happened. You can submit screenshots of lua errors or bug reports in general to GitHub in the following format: You NEED to delete (backup) your old settings from the WTF folder (.\World of Warcraft Classic\WTF\Account\YOURNAMEHERE\SavedVariables\a) when coming from 1.x This is under constant development that means new features might not fully work in the start. Here are a few thing you SHOULD read before continuing: While i do a lot of testing before i upload changes to the GitHub there is still a small chance that something might break.

And now again after several months of hard work i am ready to present the result. After i figured that the old design couldn't handle the feature requests that were coming up i decided it was time to re-do everything. It is with great joy that i bring you the second incarnation of my Unit Frame project. This is the official thread for LunaUnitFrames version 2.x.